Khorgyn Togoo Volcano


Located in Tariat soum, Arkhangai province. About origin of fresh watered Terkhiin Tsagaan Lake, flowing of north and south Terkh Rivers locked by lava flow from a volcanic eruption. The length of lake is 16 km; width is 6 km, 20m deep, 2060 m above sea level and occupied 61 The biggest river which is one of the 10 rivers, flow into lake is Terkh river. Also only one river flows from the lake is Suman River. Suman means “Arrow” because this river flows through the lake like an arrow. There is a small island at the middle of the lake, birds make their nest and lay eggs. About Terkhiin Tsagaan Lake, there is interesting story.

An ancient time, a mother and son were living this land and they carried their drink water from small fountain from the deep of ground. After they take some water they have to bung it. But one day son went to this fountain to take drink water but he forgot to bung it after take and he slept next to the fountain. Later some minutes this some area covered by huge water and son’s mother worried about his son and she take top of mountain named “Uran mandal”, bung the fountain. Since that time this lake is exist here. The top of “Uran mandal” mountain is Small Island that mentioned above.