The Chinggis Khaan Museum ready to open its doors

The Chinggis Khaan Museum ready to open its doors

The Chinggis Khaan Museum ready to open its doors

Mongolian nomad in wooden cart

Mongolian nomad in wooden cart

Mongolian nomadic culture

Debut album of The HU hits No. 1 on Billboard World Albums chart

Debut album of The HU hits No. 1 on Billboard World Albums chart

Debut album of The HU hits No. 1 on Billboard World Albums chart

What is a Mongolian Ger

What is a Mongolian Ger

Mongolian ger camp

Top 5 MONGOLIAN meals

Top 5 MONGOLIAN meals

When you travel to Mongolia you can see that is a country of meat. All of the traditional meals are mostly made with mutton and beef. Mongolian nomads don’t usually excessively wash the meat before cooking. That’s why Mongolian dishes have strong smell. But that’s also the reason for their unique taste, even though the only seasoning on it is salt. When visit Mongolia, you should try these 5 meals.
